A tithe simply means a “tenth". Tithing is our way of bringing back to God that which is already His. We tithe as an act of obedience, knowing that obedience brings us protection and provision.
At Generations City, people make a commitment to regularly give a portion of their finances to help enable the church to function, grow, help and reach out to others. At every service, we give an opportunity for the congregation to tithe. You can also tithe by organising a direct debit, online or by bringing your tithe with you on Sunday.
We pray that God would continue to bless you and your family in every area so you can continue to be a blessing to others.
2 Corinthians 9:7 Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
How can I give?
Give via credit card, set up recurring payments or by using Google Pay with the form below:
Give via direct debit with the details below:
Generations City (Mirrabooka)
BSB 016-353
ACC 900 076 852
Generations City (Midland)
BSB 016-353
ACC 298 091 215
Note: Please include the purpose of your deposit in the description box. For example “tithes” or “offering”, Christmas Giveaway etc.
Give in person at one of our Sunday Services.