Our vision

We passionately pursue Jesus and intentionally make disciples. We are a contemporary, community focussed Church, on a mission to see God move without any limits. We want to see our city won for Jesus! Join us on the journey.

our culture

We seek to honour Jesus in all that we do – in word, in action and our love toward one another.  Our speech exalts Him, and we go out of our way to help those around us. We are proactive in supporting those in our Church, reaching out often to people, to see how they are doing.

In all our ways, we seek the wisdom of God.  In difficult situations, we pray.  When conflict rises, we try to think before we speak.  Even when it’s hard to, we forgive and do it often.  We respect each other and stay loyal.  Unity commands a blessing that we want to flow into everyone’s lives.

We aim to be an example of excellence and always present our best to Jesus.  We rise in our leadership, looking for ways to be innovative and go to our with solutions rather than problems.

We live with integrity, doing what we say we are going to do.  Simply put, we say what we mean and mean what we say.  Walking in truth is non-negotiable.  Even if we fall short, we have the courage to be honest about it and seek prayer and counsel from trusted others.

We live passionately and wholeheartedly for Jesus.  We like to be the most positive and energetic person in every area we join both inside and outside our Church. We encourage and be kind to others, especially if they fail. 

We walk in humility and we stay open for constructive feedback.  We don’t let pride, jealousy, or envy creep into our hearts.  We aim to live at peace with all people and pursue unity at all costs.

Mercy is the seat of our heart.  Just as Jesus sat with sinners, we go after the least, the last and the lonely.  The Church is a hospital for sinners, and they need the hope of Christ.  We look for opportunities to lead others to Christ.

Ultimately we live in the audience of one – Jesus.  We are spiritual beings having an earthly experience.  We have an assignment on this earth that only we can fulfill. We hope that you will join the journey with us.


Welcome to Generations City


Welcoming of everyone
Wherever you are at on your journey, whether you believe in Jesus or not, you are welcome at Generations City.

Generations City is a congregation whose heart is set upon true and is a Christ-centered worship and is hungry for God’s presence and power.

Generations City is passionate about the Word of God and we have a hunger to know Jesus more and more.

Born Again
Generations City is a church that offers a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, beginning with salvation and moving to a newness of life, which can only come through the power of God in a surrendered life.

Multi-generational, multicultural
Generations City is a gathering of all denominations, all cultures, all backgrounds, and all nations. We have hundreds of people, representing many different nationalities that gather to worship Jesus together each week.

Under Covenant
Generations City is a member of the Australian Christian Churches organisation, a movement of almost 1100 churches and more than 250,000 believers across Australia. For the ACC’s full constitution, history, leadership, and statement of belief, please visit: www.acc.org.au.

Heart for the Community
Our Church serves our city’s physical and spiritual needs, bringing a message of hope to the seemingly hopeless. Generations City loves building our City by reaching out to the fatherless, the widows, the oppressed, the destitute, the addicted and the poor.

Generations City established Generations City Community Services, a not-for-profit part of the organisation which exists to serve the community by reaching out to the homeless, prisoners, the addicted, at-risk youth, disadvantaged families and the lonely. We want to connect people to a community of support to meet their physical and spiritual needs.

Please contact Generations City Community Services to contribute to any of these worthwhile causes with a tax-deductible donation over $2. 

Contact: admin@generationscity.com